C_3 Horses
* 50% of sale price
* Once foals are weaned, board will be charged after 10 days if the horse remains on the property
* Contact us for prices.
For Sale
Palomino Colt (Bux Dunit Commando x Worthy of a Cowgirl)
Born 5/7/2022
AQHA - "Bux Dunit Peppy"
Sigurd (Norse name for "guiding a victory") goes back to Hollywood Dunit, who is just barely off of the registration papers. This boy is packed with athleticism and curiousity. He has moves like a cutting horse and I can see him being successful in the show pen, running barrels, or on a working ranch. He definitely shows heart and determination, as well as having correct conformation. We have his full sister on site and although she also started out small, she has grown into one of the tallest yearlings we have with a big chest and nice hip. Should mature 14-15 hands.
Price will increase in 2024 as a 2 yr old due to additional training.

Jaz Poco Loki (Registration Pending)
AQHA Grulla colt
(Jaz Buenos Comet x Shaydee Smokin Pistol)
Born 7/12/22
Double Homozygous!!! EEaaDD
Loki was going to be a keeper for my son but he has decided that he wants a dirtbike more. He knows basic ground manners and has been hanging out in the pasture just growing up. Should mature around 14.2 hands.
Price will increase in 2024 when he's 2 years old due to additional training.

Fantacy Girl (Fantacys Last Coo x Bombers Banjo Girl)
Born 5/12/2009
Pixi is 15 hands & stout. Broke to ride but not 100% sound. We’ve only lightly ridden her a few times in the pasture. I was told that she has navicular but I have not confirmed it. She is more sound with shoes and pads on the front, but has been barefoot since I got her. Sometimes she doesn’t have a limp at all and sometimes she does. She’s had 3 foals, a 2021 bay filly by Jaz Buenos Comet, 2022 dunalino colt by Bux Dunit Commando, and 2023 bay colt by Jas Buenos Comet. Currently in foal to Jaz Buenos Comet as I hope to get a black based filly in 2024.
She is a dominant mare in a herd, but not aggressive. She knows her ground manners well, ties, trailers, good with feet, bathes, not spooky, but doesn’t like her poll touched. She will present herself as a confident boss mare and if a person is not confident around horses, she can be intimidating as she is a confident and bold mare. She’s always done what I’ve asked and has never hurt anyone.
I'm not actively pushing her sale as she's a great broodmare. Always takes on first breeding, great mom, amazing conformation and build, and her babies are fantastic. However, if someone is interested enough, I'm willing to discuss a sale!

For Lease
Currently leased for breeding for a February 2024 foal. May be available again in 2024.
SageBarsPaisleySupreme - aka "Pie"
(Sage Bar Supreme x Sheza Tari Pistol)
02/2015 bay/brown AQHA mare
14 hands
Pie is available for a Free Care Lease as a broodmare only. She is currently unsound due to a torn meniscus, with plans on getting her surgery to repair it once college is finished.
She has been shown and knows her ground manners quite well. She's a dominant mare in a herd but not aggressive. She's an excellent mother and it seems to be her favorite thing in life. With one foal on the ground, she has definitely out produced herself. Her colt is amazing in every way with perfect conformation, big bones, refined head, smart, and easy going.
Good with feet, clipping, bathing, trailering, stalling, tying, used to farm equipment, dogs, kids, drones, motorcycles, rc cars, loud noises, sudden movements, plastic bags, and more! She's currently picking up weight, but is still in need of some groceries.