C_3 Horses
Horse Training
Ground Training
Horses will learn respect and trust on the ground through various lessons. Leading without rope pressure, forehand turns, haunch turns, desensitizing, backing, lunging for respect, round penning, tying, patience, and more.
Build solid foundation for stopping, backing, circling, spins, rollbacks, speed control, lead changes, straight lines, and patience.
Colt Starting
Following a solid foundation of ground work, horses will be introduced to the saddle, bit, and other tack.
Goals: standing still while mounting, dismounting, forward, whoa, backing, learning leg and body cues, and all performing all gaits under saddle.
Horses learn a foundation in gaits, speed control, and responsiveness to leg and weight cues. This helps lead to various aspects of English riding disciplines, such as pleasure, equitation, dressage, and hunter hack.
This begins after a solid foundation has been placed. Our program will help set your horse up for western or english events, trail, gaming, ranch events, and anything else the horse is capable of doing mentally and physically.
Horses will learn straight lines, turning, rate, pockets, speed control, and stopping. Practicing at all gaits, as needed. Once the horse has learned some basics for a foundation, then getting the horse patterned can begin, if desired.

Training Fees
$900 per month
This includes:
5-6 days/week of working with your horse
daily exercise
salt block
valley hay am/pm
blanketing if needed
daily grooming
love and care
Does not include (can be added for additional fee):
alfalfa/orchard/other higher quality forage
hoof care
vet care
competition expenses
Returning Clients
30 days for refresher/tune up
New Clients
60 days minimum to begin and establish a solid foundation
90 days if horse lacks basic ground manners
Horse Health and Soundness
UTD on vaccinations and deworming
UTD on hoof care
No sickness for past 60 days
Sound and moving without pain for the past 60 days
What you can expect in Training
Each horse is an individual, just as people are. We train at their individual pace and consider their background. The amount of pressure applied during training or handling also depends completely on the horse. We find their comfort zone and slowly encourage them to go outside of their boundary of comfort as training progresses. This creates a good relationship with the horse and a well minded, well behaved, solid horse.
Goals. We want to know your personal goals, as well as the goals you have in mind for your horse. While working towards your goals, we may or may not work on all of the topics listed below. That will be decided as we talk and progress in training.
We refuse to start a horse without some ground work first. This process allows both the trainer and horse to get acquainted with each other and learn some ground rules. I don't appreciate getting pushed around, ran over, knocked down, or other aggressive behavior. I'm sure that as the owner/handler, you don't either. Ground work creates mutual respect and trust. When it's time to get on the horse, I sure don't want to have the horse be disrespectful or untrustworthy, very likely leading to various actions including bucking, rearing, taking off, no control, ramming into things, etc. These actions have a very high probability of hurting both horse and rider, both physically and mentally. If it goes bad, both can lose confidence in themselves and/or each other, break a bone, get a concussion, or worse. I have 3 children to care for, several other animals, a high school equestrian team of teenagers relying on me as their coach, and more. Getting myself injured is definitely not in my best interest and I will do everything in my capabilities to prevent that from happening. In addition, horses are expensive as are vet bills. Plus, I'm sure you love your horse(s) as much as I do and will do everything in your power to ensure they're well cared for. By starting with ground work, you can ensure that I'm also putting your horse's care and best interest to heart.
Basic Ground Manners includes respect of space, moving off pressure, leading, tying, not being scared/desensitizing, being more calm (less reactive or hypersensitive), picking up feet, backing, and more.
Prior to starting a horse under saddle, the first 1-4 weeks is all ground work. Amount of time depends on the individual horse and advancement to work under saddle can occur earlier if the horse has some prior experience, training, and/or displays readiness. You can expect the following skills to be learned:
yielding to pressure
yielding hip
attentiveness to handler
respect of space
haunch turns (may not be a perfect pivot but will be willing and easily maneuvered)
less direct contact
lunging for respect
easily change directions, when asked
stop and yield hindquarters
change speed
leading etiquette, from both sides
hobbling (depending on age and physical health)
desensitizing to various objects (plastic bags, whips, farm equipment, motorcycles, bicycles, drones, rc cars, other animals, moving and noisy objects, and anything we can think of)
Work under saddle will begin slowly and progress to the horses individual needs and learning abilities. These are some things that you can expect your horse to learn in the first 30 days.
being mounted and unmounted while standing still
flexing side to side
flexing vertically
responding to rein pressure
responding to weight, legs, and verbal cues.
moving forward
Once the basics are established, the horse will continue to build on the foundation skills, as well as learn new ones. These may include the following:
moving the 5 body parts individually and together
head, neck, shoulders, ribs, hips
yielding shoulders and hips
walk, trot, canter
gait transitions
speed transitions
leads and lead changes
two tracking
quicker and lighter responses to cues
patience while being tied
being caught
patience, focus, and respect when rode around other horses
herd bound or buddy issues
other riders running past or taking off and having your horse not mind
gate or barn issues
riding in open space
riding solo and in a group